Feeling stuck in your health journey? Want to build more confidence in movement?
Join our Gray and Glorious Facebook group for Movement Tips and Health Support. Be on a look out for new classes scheduled soon in Kilgore, Texas!
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As we age, we naturally loose stability in balance. In our classes, we actively work to develop balance.

As we age, movement can come with the fear of falling. At our classes, we work on developing the skills and flexibility to be able to fall and recover in a safer manner.
Exercise should always be fun and practical. At our classes, we focus on enjoying movement and the process of exploring what our bodies are capable of.

Make sure to join our Facebook Group to stay up to date about classes being offered in your area!
Facebook GroupExercise should be fun, challenging, and practical.
Join our community of age 50+ adults wanting to stay active and maintain balance and strength as they age gracefully.
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From E.S.:
Amazing coach! Dedicated... and encourages safety all while having fun while moving!

Frequently Asked Questions
I can't run, can I still come to class?
I had knee surgery, can I still come to class?
How often do classes meet?
How quickly can I expect results?
I need to lose weight, will this help me?
Do you provide workout plans for days that class doesn't meet?

After just a few weeks of doing parkour, I could tell that I was stabler. For example, I can stand on one leg while moving the other leg for a longer period of time than I could before. Also, I am more confident in standing on one leg in doing daily activities (like getting dressed!).

I am thankful to have been introduced to Parkour as I see it as a way to continue to strengthen my balance abilities. I desire to be stabler as I grow older and parkour helps me achieve this desire!
Exercise should be fun, challenging, and practical.
Join our community of age 50+ adults wanting to stay active and maintain balance and strength as they age gracefully.
We won't send spam. Unsubscribe at any time.