Parkour East Texas, The Rising, and Ascending Waiver- 

to participate in Parkour East Texas, The Rising and Ascending classes, events, open gyms, birthday parties and/or other activities you (a parent/guardian for children under age 18) must fill this waiver out.

Release of Liability and Photo Release

Myself (or my child) is participating in classes, and/or open gyms, and/or birthday parties, and/or an event hosted by Parkour East Texas and/or The Rising of my (their) own choice.  I recognize and agree that I (my child) am/is ultimately responsible for my own (or their own) safety.  Coaches and volunteers will give guidance and suggestions; however, it is the individual’s responsibility to monitor their own wellness and capability before choosing to participate in each activity. 

 I am aware that there are significant risks involved in all aspects of physical training. These risks include, but are not limited to: falls which can result in serious injury or death; injury or death due to negligence on the part of myself, my training partner, or other people around me; injury or death due to improper use or failure of equipment; strains and sprains. I (and/or my child) am aware that any of these above mentioned risks may result in serious injury or death to myself and or my partner(s). I (and/or my child) willingly assume full responsibility for the risks that I (and/or my child) am exposing myself to and accept full responsibility for any injury or death that may result from participation in these activities and event. I acknowledge that I (and/or my child) have no physical impairments, injuries, or illnesses that will endanger me or others. In consideration of the above mentioned risks and hazards and in consideration of the fact that I (and/or my child) am willingly and voluntarily participating in the obstacle course and activities offered by Parkour East Texas and/or The Rising, I hereby release Hannah Waddle and Parkour East Texas, The Rising and any assistants, coaches, volunteers or participants from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions or rights of action, which are related to, arise out of, or are in any way connected with my participation in this activity, including those allegedly attributed to the negligent acts or omissions of the above mentioned parties. This agreement shall be binding upon me, my successors, representatives, heirs, executors, assigns, or transferees. If any portion of this agreement is held invalid, I (and/or my child) agree that the remainder of the agreement shall remain in full legal force and effect. If I am signing on behalf of a minor child, I also give full permission for Hannah Waddle, Parkour East Texas and The Rising or any coach, assistants, volunteers, and/or staff to administer first aid deemed necessary, and in case of serious illness or injury, I give permission to call for medical and or surgical care for the child and to transport the child to a medical facility deemed necessary for the well-being of the child.


I give permission for my (or that of my child) likeness and image to be used by Hannah Waddle, Parkour East Texas, The Rising and staff/volunteers, on their website, Social Media, and other material.

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