Choose: 4 C's to Making 2025 Your Best Year Yet for Growth, Goals, and Quality of Life
Dec 31, 2024This C may contradict what you have been taught or what you believe about emotions and thoughts. This C might raise some friction in your brain. Remember, friction is an invitation to be curious about what your brain is protecting you from. This C is the 4th powerful C that wraps up what it will take to make 2025 the year you shifted from short term New Year's Resolutions to longterm life change and breakthrough.
The fourth C is Choose.
1. You get to choose the kind of person you will become. The kind of character you have. The kind of skills you develop. The kind of friends you cultivate. The kind of schedule you keep. The kind of work you pursue. The kind of ways you spend your time. The kind of habits you lean into. The kind of personal development you pursue.
2. You get to choose the emotions you allow your brain to automate. You are no longer held captive by your emotions. You get to teach your brain which emotions you would like it to fire on autopilot. Emotions that area on autopilot that you do not want anymore you get to dive into and be curious why they are firing. You get to lean in and embrace the friction until you uncover why those undesired emotions are triggering. Then you get to teach your brain the new way you will move forward.
3. You get to choose the thoughts you allow to play around in your head. Neuro Science has now shown use that we can train our brains to fire new thoughts. We can also untrain our brains from triggering thoughts that no longer align with the person we want to become. You get to choose that you are in control of your thoughts and not your thoughts are in control of you!
4. You get to choose the steps you will take to creating the change you want to see. Pursuing change and goals with a neuro based approach is simple and quick. I did not say it was easy. The quickest way forward is to do the EXACT thing your brain does not want you to do - get close to friction and uncomfortable thoughts that are holding you back. You get to choose if you will approach 2025 the same as you have in the past. You get to choose if you want to create a few shifts or massive life long transformation.
You get to take an active role in your life by living by CHOICE instead of taking a passive role and letting your life play out by default.
If you are ready to speed up this brain rewiring process so that in 67 days you can get those pathways changes and automating the new you, send me an email at [email protected] and say, "Interested in fast forwarding to my goals!" I'll reach out and set up a free zoom info call to give you more information about how to take the next steps in propelling yourself towards your goals in record time in 2025.
We dive more into this on an age appropriate level in LAUNCH which is an 8 week group coaching course for teens.
To learn more about what we do, come join us for a free trial class!