Stress is known to not be good for overall health. Beyond general health, the effects of stress on a child's mental development is tremendous. A brain cannot properly process and develop while under stress. This is why movement in a non-competitive environment is important for a child's health...
Every child's brain is different. Genetic genes leading towards Dyslexia, Autism and and other learning difficulties can't be changed; however, the impact they have in the child's growth, development, and life can be impacted.
In a study at the University of Illinois rats who did precise, nimble...
Developing the ability to use both sides of the body in a coordinated manner is a major development milestone. It starts with learning to crawl and expands to being able to walk, balance, and eventually run.
The more opportunities a young child is given to practice tasks that require...
Formal reasoning skill comes when the brain can process efficiently between both sides of the brain.
As a child grows they develop Neuro networks which provide the foundation for the rest of their life.
The more a child uses both sides of the brain the more the areas of the brain that communicate...
Our Early Childhood Pre-parkour program is designed to support growth and development in toddlers in many critical areas. At the core of this program is the benefit of developing neural networks that prepare a child for a life full of movement, healthy choices, confidence, creativity,...
At Parkour East Texas we are not a cheap program that throws a bunch of kids into one class so the cost to the parent is less.
We are not about quantity over quality. We are committed to serving less students deeper instead of more students in a cheaper manner. Cheaper means less quality that we...
In 2022 we had our first group of interns. This was created as a way to take the learning, leadership, and character development opportunities deeper. It was also created as a way to raise up new coaches.
This first internship was 1 day of me fire housing everyone with a TON of material...
In 2013 I, Hannah, was looking for a method to connect with youth of the community in a meaningful manner that the would enjoy. I was introduced to parkour by a friend and from the first day I knew parkour was going to be my thing. I started driving the Dallas to train at a gym there. In 2014 I...
One of the biggest and most impacting steps of our Pre-Assistant Coach Intern Track to coach journey is obtaining an individuals ADAPT Level 1 certificate.
This is about so much more than a piece of paper with a coaching certificate.
Starting in October of 2025 Parkour East Texas will only...
The last few blogs we talked about part 1 and 2 of our mission at Parkour East Texas to partner with parents in raising unusually confident and humble leaders.
Part 3 is our pre-assistant to coach training program. This is our deepest program of leadership, personal development, and radical...
Part 1 of our mission at Parkour East Texas to partner with parents in raising unusually confident and humble leaders is teaching character development lessons through movement and a fun environment which feels like play to youth.
Part 2 of this mission is coming alongside parents in...
Our weekly classes start with a focus on character development through movement. Play is the best form of learning! With play we learn deeper and remember more of what we learned. That is what parkour seems like to kids. Play. Our coaches are specifically trained to add elements of play and...
R.I.G. stands for resilience, integrity, and grit. The R.I.G. team tryouts are a fun way to get active as a family and focus on developing these characteristics. Once you complete the challenge you earn the special R.I.G. Team shirt for the year which is a symbol of your spot on the R.I.G. Team....
Our monthly internship trainings will have two parts this year. The first hour is committed to introducing new interns to basics of coaching, leading, communication, and confidence. Second and third year interns get to dive into deeper concepts of coaching, personal growth and practice building...
Our Rise-N-Lead Internship at Parkour East Texas is designed to help individuals grow in confidence. We start by helping each intern shift from being a passive learner in our parkour community to stepping into a new version of themself that is an active contributor. We help them understand they...
In Launch I break down basic skills of planning ahead and dreaming big. One aspect of this is teaching the brain to think long term and develop pathways that expand to a larger view of life. This helps teenagers be responsible and also helps with depression and massive emotional...
I heard a pastor say the other day that Neuro Science is finally catching up to what God has known all along. This is so true. The Bible has so many references and advice that lines up exactly with how the brain works.
- "...but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:2)
- "...and...
In LAUNCH we spend a lot of time helping each teen gain a clearer picture of what is going on subconsciously in their brain. The cool thing is that a teenager has lived way less life than an adult so often we can get several layers sorted quickly. The brain is like an onion with layers that...
As a teenager the impact of peers is one of the most powerful influences on an individuals life. It often impacts how a teenager acts and what they do in the present and also impacts who they become and what they choose to do in the future.
The first step is having good quality peers. You...
I'm sure if I ask you if you love your child you will say "Yes". I'm sure if I ask you if you love them even when they mess up or fail you will say "Yes". The fact that you are taking time to read this blog means you value your child and take your job as a parent/guardian seriously. Today I want...
As a parent/guardian we want to see our children succeed. We see the good in them and know they are capable of so much. Some kids seem to live up to that and others seem to stay stagnant. Each individual is responsible for their choices and actions. Seeking to control a child and the outcomes of...
The only thing we can know will always be consistent is that things will change. Change is interpreted in a brain as danger. Our brains despise change. We get to teach our brains that change is necessary and more importantly change is good when we are growing and moving towards the person we want...
Neuro Science has now shown us that the brain uses perfectionism, procrastination, and overwhelm to keep us "safe". And "safe" to our brain is alive and breathing. "Safe" means avoiding discomfort and anything that can be perceived as danger. Since most of us do not go around in fear of being...
Insanity is doing the same thing again and expecting a different result. Here's the problem - we are so close to our brain and how we think that we often don't catch where we are doing the same thing again and expecting a different result. This is how the brain sabotages us.
Here's a quick...