Reduce Effects of Learning Difficulties - Early Childhood Pre-Parkour Program (Part 2)

benefit neurodivergent children early childhood program reduce effects of learning difficulties Feb 21, 2025

Every child's brain is different. Genetic genes leading towards Dyslexia, Autism and and other learning difficulties can't be changed; however, the impact they have in the child's growth, development, and life can be impacted.

In a study at the University of Illinois rats who did precise, nimble movements had a "greater number of connections among the neurons in their brain than rats who were sedentary or rats who merely ran in automated wheels."  (Taken from "Smart Moves" by Carla Hannaford, Ph.D.)

We pack our Early Childhood classes full of balance work and movements that require precision and cross lateral (both sides of the brain) working together at a high level. The most fun part about this is we do it in a playful manner so the child is unaware how much brain growth is taking place!

The activities we include in our program also helps with eye muscle development which can help reduce the effects of learning difficulties in many children. 

We also focus on skills which help with self-regulating and stress reduction. Learning to self-regulate and manage ones stress from an early age helps a child when they get into stressful situations in school. Our brains cannot focus when they are stressed and in fight or flight mode. Students with Dyslexia, Autism and other learning difficulties often find themself stressed at school. By practicing tools for self-regulation and stress management at a young age children are prepared to respond to theses situations. Once the fight or flight mode is reduced, students with learning difficulties can focus more and make more progress. This in turn builds confidence as the child begins to see progress. The reverse is true. Children who stay in the flight or fight phase and are not able to self-regulate and manage their stress remain unable to focus which causes the effects of their learning difficulties to be amplified and destroys their confidence as they begin to see themself fall farther and farther behind.

To learn more about what we do, come join us for a free trial class!

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