The Mission Of Parkour East Texas: Partnering with Parents in Raising Unusually Confident and Humble Leaders (Part 4)
Jan 29, 2025One of the biggest and most impacting steps of our Pre-Assistant Coach Intern Track to coach journey is obtaining an individuals ADAPT Level 1 certificate.
This is about so much more than a piece of paper with a coaching certificate.
Starting in October of 2025 Parkour East Texas will only higher coaches that are ADAPT certified to coach. This is in alignment with our commitment to pursue the best version of ourselves we can be as a coaching team. This is in alignment with our commitment to be a parkour company that focuses on quality of instruction over quantity of large group student classes. This is in alignment with our commitment to regularly seek to learn and grow. This is in alignment with our commitment to be an example and model what we teach and ask our students to do. This is in alignment with our commitment to teach the parkour mindset as well as to have coaches on our team that live out the parkour mindset day after day.
Because our community is only as strong as it's community members and because we know the value of strong leaders, our pre-assistant coach intern track allows participants to put their monthly parkour membership fees towards their ADAPT course and travel. They can also work to earn their course by assisting in classes.
The ADAPT certification program is an internationally accredited program which is delivered by tutors with years of international experience. The Yamakasi (group in France who helped develop parkour) worked with the creators of ADAPT to create an incredible learning opportunity and certification course.
The skills, confidence, and lessons individuals learn from the 3 days and the required observation hours can be taken into any workplace they decide to go into after high school, even if they do not ever coach again after their time with Parkour East Texas while a teenager.
To learn more about what we do, come join us for a free trial class!