Give Your Teen Clarity on What is Going on in Their Brain - LAUNCH

launch neuro coaching Jan 09, 2025

In LAUNCH we spend a lot of time helping each teen gain a clearer picture of what is going on subconsciously in their brain.  The cool thing is that a teenager has lived way less life than an adult so often we can get several layers sorted quickly. The brain is like an onion with layers that must be peeled back over time. As a teenager grows in maturity they will be able to peel back deeper and deeper layers. 

The goal with LAUNCH is to give teenagers the first steps towards massive clarity about what is going on in their own brains and equip them with tools to handle what comes up in the future. This course is all about educating and creating brain pathways that set a teen up for the challenges of life.

The weekly pre-homework in the 8 week LAUNCH group coaching course is designed to prime the teenagers brain to start being receptive to the weekly lesson as well as start getting clarity on what is going on in their own brain about each subject. This is an active course, not a passive education series. 

The weekly video lesson is full of teaching and reflective thoughts. It is designed to be watched at the teens convince and BEFORE the weekly group coaching session.

The weekly post-video homework in LAUNCH gives the teenager time to process what they have heard and personalize it further. This is all about getting clarity on what is going on in their own brain and shifting towards the person they want to become.

Then they get to come to the group coaching session (on Zoom) and ask any questions that have come up. Some weeks we will do quick Neuro Coaching sessions and work through different students personally. These are powerful times of going deep quick and MASSIVE breakthrough for each teenager who is willing to lean in and trust the process.

The Group Coaching session is available for replay for any student who was unable to make the session live. 

Each teen will get out of this 8 week Group Coaching Course what they put into it. Those who choose to lean in and trust the process will get massive clarity and new brain pathways that will serve them for the rest of their life.

To learn more about what we do, come join us for a free trial class!

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