The Power of Celebration - Living By Choice vs. Living by Chance (part 6) - Neuro Tip

mindset neuro coaching teen Dec 11, 2024

While complaining is a powerful tool our brains use to keep us safe (stuck right where we are and avoiding change of any kind), Celebration is the powerful counterattack!

Celebration is one of the simplest ways to speed up your progress towards your goals. (Goals could be anything from the goal of becoming a more organized person or the goal of becoming more responsible. It can also be a goal of something to accomplish like getting a certain job or earning a certain award.) Notice I said Celebration is one of the simplest ways; I did NOT say easiest ways. When we start implementing celebration in our quest of condensing time and reaching our goals of the person we want to become sooner, our brain has incredibly sneaky ways of fighting back. 

Here are some ways our brains may fight back from keeping us from celebrating:

  • Make us think we are wasting time celebrating.
  • Make us think a quick "wohoo" and move on is actually celebrating.
  • Sneakily move us from celebrating to focusing on issues without our awareness
  • Discredit progress in the name of "humility"
  • Many other ways


Celebration at first can seem awkward and even like a task that is keeping us from our goals. That's why we get to lean in and trust the process. Approaching life from a brain based approach does not seem fast and flashy, but it does always give transformational and lasting results for those who choose to trust the process and put in the work.


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