Emotional Stability: 3 Pillars of Helping Your Teen Prepare for Success and Massive Impact in Life (Neuro Tip)

mental health neuro coaching teen Nov 25, 2024

Adolescence is a challenging time for the teen themself, friends, parents, and anyone  around. There are so many changes, so many new things, and so much growth and development with MANY lessons that are still to be learned.

While it is not helpful to shield our teenagers from challenges and struggles, it IS HELPFUL to give them tools of how to process and handle the variety of emotions they will face as they tackle challenges and struggles.

Emotions are a crazy thing. They effect so much about what we do, what we think about ourselves, and even how we interact with others. When a teenager does not have the tools to process emotions, they can become subject to the opinions and words of their peers.

A teenager whose choices and opinions of themself is based on emotions is set up for a rollercoaster ride. However, a teenager who understands emotions and understands how they can guide their emotions instead of be guided by their emotions is set up for more stability as they go through the transition from child to adult. Emotional Stability does not mean an individual does not feel things, it means they are aware and in control enough to be able to choose which emotions get to stick around and which ones get to leave. It also means they have the tools needed to handle emotionally charged situations in a way that is healthy and promotes confidence and healing.

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