Words: Part 1 of How To Help Your Child Step Into The Best Version Of Who They Can Be (Neuro Tip)

at home tip mindset neuro coaching Nov 14, 2024

One of the powerful ways you as a parent can help your child step into the best version of themself is by your words. 

By the words you choose to use as a parent you are creating brain pathways. You are creating a belief system from which your child will create automations from for the REST OF THEIR LIFE (unless they choose to rewire their brain pathways). Things like telling your child they are kind, they are loved, they are enough, they are confident go a long way in helping your child start truly believing these things are true. When they believe you think they are confident, and they hear it enough, they believe they are actually confident and their brain will take over and automate actions (and emotions) that are confident.

On the flip side of this, if you say negative things like, "you are clumsy", "you're anxious", "you're annoying" they will create brain pathways around this. Their brain will create automations that trigger actions that are in line with these statements. 

Also, by the words a you choose NOT TO USE as a parent you are helping to guide what pathways will not be created. By not saying negative things you are helping your child not identify with those things. There is enough negativity in this world, let your child's brain be filled with positive from you. 

Now, this does not mean discipline is out and you just have to go around positive as a parent 100% of the time. It does mean that when you discipline you get to carefully choose your words. You get to be clear about they made a choice that was bad and they were disciplined, but it's not connected to your love for them or their worth as a person or even their identity.

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