Root Based Approach Through Neuro Coaching (At Home Tips)

at home tip neuro coaching root based approach Dec 17, 2024

Following up yesterday's blog. Here are some ways you can apply the root based approach at home with your teenager.

  • When there is conflict get curious instead of defensive or jumping to punishment.*There is a time for punishment, but in repetitive circumstances that a punishment has not created the change you were hoping to see, sometimes it is helpful to dig a little deeper so you can find a more appropriate discipline method that helps your teenager move towards change versus justing being punished. 
  • When a situation gets heated let it rest until emotions have lowered. Then get curious about why it got heated. *In most cases the reason a situation got heated is not because the one thing being dealt with was a HUGE issue. It is because of a compilation of deeper things. Once we identify what is going on underneath the surface then we can work towards lasting solutions and transformation.
  • When a teenager repetitively forgets a task or responsibility approach it with a conversation that is genuinely interested instead of an approach set on letting them know they blew it again. *a teenager who is told they are irresponsible will subconsciously start to believe they are actually just a really irresponsible person. Be very careful the words you say, they will often become their own self-fulfilling prophecy if you keep sewing those seeds.
  • Start speaking positively about and focusing on what you DO want to see instead of what you DON'T want to see.

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