The Mission Of Parkour East Texas: Partnering with Parents in Raising Unusually Confident and Humble Leaders (part 1)

about us leadership training rise-n-lead internship Jan 25, 2025

Our weekly classes start with a focus on character development through movement. Play is the best form of learning! With play we learn deeper and remember more of what we learned. That is what parkour seems like to kids. Play. Our coaches are specifically trained to add elements of play and fun as often as possible. Creating an exciting atmosphere that helps a child forget how much hard work they are actually doing and how much character they are building is our specialty.

In addition to creating fun and exciting classes another one of our top goals is creating an atmosphere that pulls out the best in our participants. The best mindset, character, and physical results. We strive every day to make our classes a place where integrity, grit, humility, and positive embrace of the growth process is encouraged, expected, and just fits. We also strive to make our classes a place where negativity, complaining and excuses don't fit. A place where negative character qualities aren't allowed - not because of rules, but because they just don't fit in an intensity positive environment.


To learn more about what we do, come join us for a free trial class!

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