The Investment Resulting in Confidence

about us confidence mindset Nov 06, 2024

As students show up regularly and see their skills progressing this leads to a confidence boost. Our classes help children and youth understand the growth process and that messing up is a good thing because it means you are doing something challenging and learning new things. This interaction with the growth processes frees an individual to be confident. This appreciation of the growth process turns messing up from an embarrassing situation that is to be avoided at all efforts into a positive opportunity to learn and grow that is sought out. Being able to confidently handle mistakes frees an individual to try new things, shoot for massive goals, and push beyond their comfort zone with confidence. 

Our parkour classes give a safe space for students to work through common everyday life emotions. Team challenges create an opportunity for students to interact with different types of individuals. Because our coaches carefully craft, lead, monitor, and direct team challenges and activities, elements of interactions that sometimes get brushed aside get to surface and be brought to light. Emotions that lead to thoughts like, "He's better than me, I'm not needed here" or "He's better than me, I'm a failure" or "He's better than me, I should just quit" or "I don't have anything to offer that would help my team" or "I will just follow what they say and hide" or "I can't do it" or many, many more personal inner dialogues that children and youth deal with on a regular basis can be interacted with in a controlled environment with a focus on growth and unity.

We help youth learn from a young age how to be aware of their inner dialogue and how their emotions and thoughts are being effected by situations, interactions, challenges, and life. This gives them tools to be confident in any situation, even when there is friction, even when there is setback, even when there are challenges.

To learn more about what we do, come join us for a free trial class!

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