What We Are About At Parkour East Texas (part 2)

about us critical thinking skills Jun 19, 2024

Our classes help students learn to receive feedback in a way that helps them become better. Often in parkour, when a student applies feedback from a coach they will noticeably see improvement in their movement. For example, if a coach tells a student to keep their chest up during a precision jump a student will find almost instantly doing so will reduce how much force they have caring them forward which is resulting in not sticking a precision jump. Learning to receive feedback with humility and know it is not an attack at you personally is a valuable life lesson for relationships, school and eventually work. The Parkour Mindset includes humility and being eager to find areas you are not perfect in so that you can address them and become better. 

We help students learn to think critically. Our coaches are trained to step back and allow students to guide the learning process when appropriate. This promotes student led learning and helps students to begin thinking for themselves instead of always waiting for a coach to tell them what to do. Since we are not competing against each other and everyone’s skill level is different students are encouraged to use critical thinking of their current skill level and the move they are doing to know if they should try something harder, easier, or stay at the difficulty they are at. We regularly encourage students to self-asses and find areas they are doing great in and also to find areas they would like to improve on. The ability to self-assess in a constructive manner builds confidence in life, friendships, school, and eventually work as they grow older. This ability frees an individual to encounter situations they are not perfect at without feeling defeated and frustrated. This frees a child to do new things and grow in new ways and be unleashed to live more fully.

To learn more about what we do, come join us for a free trial class!

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