Give Your Teen Tools To Dream Big - LAUNCH launch neuro coaching Jan 11, 2025

In Launch I break down basic skills of planning ahead and dreaming big. One aspect of this is teaching the brain to think long term and develop pathways that expand to a larger view of life. This helps teenagers be responsible and also helps with depression and massive emotional...

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Give Your Teen Tools to Guide Their Brain Instead of be Held Captive By It - LAUNCH launch neuro coaching Jan 10, 2025

I heard a pastor say the other day that Neuro Science is finally catching up to what God has known all along. This is so true. The Bible has so many references and advice that lines up exactly with how the brain works.

  1. "...but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:2)
  2. "...and...
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Give Your Teen Clarity on What is Going on in Their Brain - LAUNCH launch neuro coaching Jan 09, 2025

In LAUNCH we spend a lot of time helping each teen gain a clearer picture of what is going on subconsciously in their brain.  The cool thing is that a teenager has lived way less life than an adult so often we can get several layers sorted quickly. The brain is like an onion with layers that...

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